Sammy's Hotel Kyrenia Cyprus
t�rk�e | english

About North Cyprus

The natural beauty of the island, the lovely climate, the warmth and generosity of the Turkish Cypriot peoples and the abundant selection of fresh foods make Northern Cyprus an unspoilt and non-commercialised haven. There is virtually no crime to speak of, and this country is reminiscent of UK standards long lost, where hospitality, politeness and the general enjoyment of life are the daily norm.Northern Cyprus enjoys a typical Eastern Mediterranean climate with long hot summers and short mild winters. The northern coastline, which borders the Girne (Kyrenia) mountain range, is accepted as one of the most beautiful areas in the world in which to live. Also, it is host to the Caretta and the Green Turtles.


Typically Mediterranean with long dry summers and short, rainy winters. The average annual temperature is 19ºC (66ºF). The temperature in midsummer can soar over 40ºC (105ºF) with the warmest sea temperature in the Mediterranean, averaging 21ºC (75ºF) . The winter moths are very mild and there is an average annual rainfall of 500 mm.


An area of 3,355 square miles encompasses the northern part of the island, which is the third largest in the Mediterranean. Nearly half of coast-line of the island is also part of the TRNC. About 45% of the area is arable land, 20% of which is irrigated. Nearly 20% of North Cyprus total area is wooded and there are extensive re-forestation programs in progress. It is situated at the cross-roads of east-west and north-south navigational routes, is only 70 kilometres south of Turkey and 385 kilometres north of Egypt. Owing to the location of Northern Cyprus and its proximity to the rich Middle Eastern countries, it provides an ideal place for foreign investment.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

Fire 199

Police 155

First Aid 112

Directory Enquiries 192

Major Towns

Lefkosa (Nicosia), is the capital of the TRNC, which has a population of approximately 35,000, where the main administration and business centers are. Other major towns include : Gazi Magusa (Famagusta) which is a flourishing tourist, industrial and commercial center, as well as being the country's principle port, Girne (Kyrenia) a town of touristic importance with a wonderful yatch harbour. Town maps can be obtained from the Tourism offices in Lefkosa.


Turkish is the official language and English is widely used and understood in official and commercial circles. There are several first-class Turkish language teachers available, and some British residents avail themselves of their services.


Local time is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Household items and Services

Most household items can be bought in North Cyprus at about the same price as Europe. Most international makes and models are available (Whirlpool, Kelvinator, Candy, Philips, Pioneer, Panasonic, Siemens, Arthur Martin, Bosch, Tefal, Beko, Sony etc) Auctions are also held monthly where a vast array of items can be purchased at reasonable prices.

Running costs

Living costs in the TRNC are much cheaper than the UK and most of Europe. There is no rates system at present, or community tax. The main costs are electricity which costs 0.106 New Turkish Lira per KW which is the equivalent of 4 pence per KW. (approx. £ 15 monthly per house), water costs 20 New Turkish Lira + %13 VAT for 0-20 Tons of water per month which is the equivalent of £8 for 0-20 tons of water per month and an annual council tax is less than £ 40 (£2.90 per month which includes waste collection, pavement and road cleaning, etc.). Central heating is rare in N Cyprus but is usually run on gas or oil. Most cookers are run on gas canisters (1 gas canister costs approx. £6 and lasts as long as 2/3 months) and/or electricity.

Banks & Currency

All types of banking services are provided and they are flexible enough to satisfy the continually diversifying needs of the business community. There are branches in many of the important trading centres of the world. Numerous Turkish and Turkish Cypriot banks (HSBC Bank has now opened branches in Nicosia and Kyrenia in TRNC),operate and they are open from Monday to Friday (except public holidays) between 08.00-12.00/14.00-16.00 hours. Turkish lira is used as the local currency. There is no restriction for the import of foreign currency into Northern Cyprus, however, the export of currency is restricted to US-dollars 8000, or the equivalent in other currencies. Exchanging all the currencies in banks, exchange offices and in hotels, is possible. Visa card, credit card, master and euro cards, eurocheques, travelers checks etc. can be used in place of cash

Consumer Market

There is a wide selection of consumer goods of good quality. In addition to locally produced goods almost all foreign brands are available on the market. It can be estimated that the cost of foodstuffs generally is about half or even less than UK prices. Items such as local brandy, retailing at around £1.20 sterling per bottle, 1 loaf of bread (weighing 300 gr.) at £0.13, 1 Lt. of long life UHT milk at £0,39, a pack of 20 B & H cigarettes at £0,69, etc.

Mains Services

Mains power 220/240 volts AC. (British Standard 3 pin plugs are used) Water by mains supply and in some properties supplemented by wells. International telephone system plus facsimile and internet.


As in the UK, traffic circulation is on the left. Road signs are international. Max. Speed is 100 km./hr. There is a large selection of car hire companies with a variety of vehicles at favourable rates, from £15 per day in the winter to £20+ in the peak season.


There is no acute unemployment problem in the TRNC, and the number of registered unemployed has declined steadily since 1978. The official working week is 40 hours in the winter and 36 in the summer. Foreigners must obtain a work permit from Lefkosa.

Foreign Exchange

The TRNC follows a flexible exchange policy. Foreign currency accounts can be opened with local banks, and foreign currency can be brought into the country and taken out through the banks without any restriction or control, and the source of such income is not investigated. It should be noted that the Government are actively encouraging the formation of offshore banks by foreign investors, and are offering incentives such as relatively low set-up capital, Low Corporation and income tax etc.


Visitors can get to TRNC by air or by sea. Ercan State Airport is 7 miles (12 km) east of Lefkosa, which enables flights of Kibris Turkish Airlines and Turkish Airlines. There are several ferry-boats of different lines operating between ports of Girne and Famagusta in Northern Cyprus and, ports of Mersin and Antalya in Southern Turkey. For local transportation apart from taxis and private hire cars, there are daily bus services between the towns. Ercan airport handles the bulk of the tourist traffic, whilst Gecitkale serves as a back-up airport. Daily flights from many mainland Turkish cities, as well as flights from the Europe, supply the majority of the visitors to the island.


Pets can be brought into the country from Europe with little hassle. The Ministry of Agriculture requires a certificate from a European vet stating that your animal is free of major diseases. Quarantine is approximately 4 weeks at the Lefkosa kennels. Contact Margaret Ray Chairperson of KAR Kyrenia Animal Rescue for any questions relating to your pets.


North Cyprus has a large selection of accommodation units, from 5-star hotels, small family hotels, motels, pensions, self-catering villas, and apartments and camping facilities. Boray also have a Rental department, please ask for details.


The unique climate of Cyprus offers year-round opportunities for a perfect holiday. Rainfall is concentrated in December and January, and the average sea temperature is above 20 ºC for more than half the year. Cyprus is renowned for its wild flowers which carpet the island in spring (there are more than 38 species of orchid alone) and scent of orange, lemon and grapefruit blossom fills the air. The coastline of North Cyprus offers some of the finest and safest bathing areas in the Mediterranean. Although most holiday establishments have modern pools, the crystal clear waters of the eastern Mediterranean are wonderful for swimming, snorkelling, sailing and water-skiing. Most of the holiday complexes are situated near the picturesque ancient port of Girne on the north coast, or Gazimagosa in the east. The narrow fertile northern coastal strip is backed by the spectacular Besparmak Mountains - also known as the Girne range, studded with its medieval castles and fortresses. The rugged slopes are covered with Aleppo pines, olives and carob trees, with small villages nestling in the hillsides. Nearer the coast, most activity is concentrated along the coast road. A legacy from the British colonial days means that traffic drives on the left and since most hotels can assist in car hire, travelling around is no problem. Inland, behind the rocky Girne range and the imposing Five Finger Mountain, stretches the huge fertile Mesaoria plain, Ercan airport and the island's capital, Lefkosa. Along the east coast lie the ancient fortified city of Gazimagosa and the nearby ruins of Salamis. To the north east, the landscape becomes more broken and open fields give way to small pastures enclosed by stone walls and interspersed with olive trees and rocky outcrops. The beaches here are a blend of rock pools and sheltered sandy bays.


The exotic of Cyprus reflects its history and maritime associations. Turkish Cypriot cooking is fascinating blend of East and West. Breakfast consists of luscious fruits, especially locally grown melons, various local breads with cheese or jams and a selection of eggs and local sausage. Traditionally, home-made yoghurt is served with delicious local honey and if you want coffee, then remember to ask for "Nescafe" - the local term for western coffee with milk. "Kahve" means Turkish coffee: thimblefuls of that wonderfully powerful brew that is a speciality of the Near East. Evening meals begin with a sumptuous "meze" - hors d'oeuvres consisting of as a many as 20 small dishes -before the main course. Raki, aniseed spirit diluted with water is the traditional local accompaniment, but wine and beer are also readily available and excellent value and quality. Turkish Cankaya white wine is particularly recommended.

Tourist sites

Information on and accommodation facilities to be found in ensuing sections in organized under three district regions: Girne, the area of north coast between the sea and Besparmak mountains, where the majority of holiday complexes are found; Gazimagosa, the ancient port with its long open beaches; and finally, Lefkosa and G�zelyurt: the capital city and the western coast famous for its citrus groves. Flights arrive at Ercan airport from which most hotels have transport services. The Turkish Cypriot people are renowned for their generous hospitality and when out shopping or enjoying a meal, you are made to feel particularly welcome.

Investment Incentives

Foreign investment is actively encouraged, and those willing to invest in Northern Cyprus can be sure of a positive Government attitude.

Leasing of land for extended periods at favourable rates.

Import duty exemptions for goods concerning the project.

Government contribution to charter risk.

Contribution to brochure/advertisement expenditure up to 75%.

Exemption from income tax and corporation tax for a period of ten years in the case of investment in tourist accommodation units.
For public companies which have shareholders in excess of 50, tax exemption can be extended.

Annual interest and principal instalments of foreign loans enjoy a transfer guarantee.

Tourism establishments or hotels may deduct each year 20% of their annual foreign exchange gross earnings from taxable income.

Free transfer of proceeds in case of liquidity of investments.

Repatriation of profits without restriction or limitations.

Employment of foreign personnel who are not available locally.

Transfer of net income earned by foreign personnel is free.

Exemption of constriction license fee.

Also deductible when calculating annual taxable profit are all travel expenses related to promotion and marketing, plus all kinds of advertisement, promotion and marketing expenses.

Investment Procedure
With reference to the registration of a company, the legal form widely used for business undertakings in the TRNC, both by foreign investors and by local businessmen, is the private limited company. The provisions concerning the limited company are set out in the Company's Law, Cap 113, which is almost identical with the UK's Company Act of 1948.
Permission is obtained from the Council of Ministers for foreign ownership of TRNC registered companies, usually within two or three months of application. The foreign ownership can be up to 49%, with the main share holder(s) being of TRNC citizenship owning at least 51%. A business permit is also required, which may be obtained from the Immigration Office - this is dealt with later on this page.

Visas, Permits and Licenses

The TRNC is encouraging a policy of attracting foreigners to come and live and work in N Cyprus - in particular, to invest in businesses, especially within the tourism sector. This, of course, opens up a multitude of trades and businesses, from travel agencies, transport companies (whether land, sea or air), hotels, bars, restaurants, holiday villages, tourist related services such as water sports, recreational land sports such as tennis, golf, horse riding etc.

Land and Property Purchase

With regard to the purchase of land or buildings, we will first look at the different types of property, and the title deeds which one is likely to be offered.

Clean freehold title - British or other foreign ownership pre-1974, with title deed (kocan), clearly stating that this is the case. Internationally recognised deeds.

Clean freehold title - Turkish Cypriot owned pre-1974. These deeds are 100% safe, but before the property can be registered in your name, an application must be made to the Council of Ministers for approval. Foreigners are limited to one d�n�m per person (husband and wife count as one person unless they have different surnames). The procedure to obtain approval will take about six months or so.

TRNC - kesin tasarruf - absolute possession document - title deed. This is property or land that was in Greek Cypriot ownership pre-1974. When the Turkish Cypriot refugees came to the safety of the north after July 1974, they left all their possessions behind in the south. Accordingly, the Government then assessed on a points basis, the value of the refugee's forsaken assets in the south. With these points, the Turkish Cypriot refugee could take a relinquished Greek Cypriot house or land in compensation for his lost properties. He would then sign over his properties in the south to the TRNC government, who would then hold them pending a negotiated settlement between the north and south Governments. The refugee would then be issued with a title deed for his newly recompensed property. Until he received this title, he would not be in a position to sell. Our feeling is that as the island is heading, albeit slowly, for some sort of solution, whether it will be a negotiated settlement or annexation to the Motherland, then the TRNC title deed properties can be considered safe to purchase.

Land or property - Greek Cypriot pre '74 - no title deeds - yet un-issued. Some people offer for sale, for relatively nominal sums, these properties without deeds. They are sold for "air money" or "goodwill" usually, these need the purchase of additional points before the title deeds will be issued. It is our opinion that agreements should not be entered into for property that does not have a title deed issued by the relevant authority. Regarding the actual mechanics of property or land purchase, the following procedure must be adhered to: The validity of the title deed is checked and confirmed by Boray Estate Agency via Notary Public. Contracts of sale are drawn up by Notary Public, with the purchaser paying a 10% (10 or 25% for new constructions) deposit, and a completion date is set. The contract consists of all agreements between Vendor and Purchaser i.e. payment plans, extras, inventories etc. In many cases, the purchaser returns to the UK or wherever, and the chosen Power of Attorney attends to the completion in the purchaser’s absence. If the property is registered in the name of a local person, then an application must be made to the Council of Ministers; allow 4- 6 months. The Land Registry values the property for Stamp Duty purposes. On the day of completion, the monies are paid by the purchaser, Boray Estate Agency, the Public Notary or the Power of Attorney to the vendor and the Land Registry respectively; the name of the purchaser is entered into the Land Registry's record books, and the new title deed is subsequently issued. Application for purchase permit and legal fees will cost £1000 including fees for Public Notary Or you can opt for a solicitor which would cost from £ 1200 upwards. Stamp Duty is 6% of the value levied by the Land Registry Office for the concerned property (The value Levied by the Land Registry Office is usually lower than the actual agreed sale price). Professional new developments also have a 5% VAT to be paid at the Land Registry Office. Application for building permission fee to be paid is 2.5% of the value of the building project. During the Purchase procedure, Purchasers have the opportunity to employ a solicitor to manage legal bureaucracies for them. We would be obliged to strongly suggest a number of English speaking solicitors but then again we as Boray Estate Agency recommend that our clients work with a Notary Public. There is no rating system in the TRNC at the present time. The legal system here is based on British law.

Quick reference summary for buying a freehold property? 1. • Property is chosen and a price agreed. 2. • Contracts will then be drawn up by a Public Notary, setting out the terms of sale: price, timescale, purchaser and vendor details and any other relevant conditions including the payment plan for new-build properties. 3. • Contracts are signed by vendor and purchaser. 4. • Purchaser pays agreed deposit. 5. • Purchase permit is applied for from the Council of Ministers. 6. • Once the purchase permit has been issued, the remaining balance is due from the purchaser. 7. • The vendor will then sign the title deed into the name of the purchaser, stamp duty will be paid and this is known as transfer of title deeds. THIS COMPLETES THE SALE

Construction & Planning

For the client who wishes to purchase land and build a house or villa, the laws are as follows: a) Outside the Municipal boundaries, there are restrictions on the area that one can build on (20% of the land area), and a height restriction of two storeys. b) There are good architects and engineers who will plan and design your villa at reasonable rates. We are pleased to be able to recommend reliable practices for interested clients. Once the plans have been lodged with the District Office, work may commence. c) Land in N Cyprus is measured in d�n�ms. 1 d�n�m consists of 4 evleks. 1 evlek = 3600 ft², 1 d�n�m = 1388 m² or 14400 ft², 3 d�n�ms = 1 acre. Building costs vary, dependent upon finishing, from £250 per m² upwards. Most buildings are constructed in the reinforced concrete frame system that is prevalent in the Mediterranean countries. Buildings tend to be over-specified, but this can only be an advantage to the buyer. Materials are readily available from Turkey, Spain, Italy, Germany and UK. Our construction team are very reputable and quotes are available upon request.

In addition we are happy to direct clients to excellent suppliers of all household items, antique furniture and electrical equipment, guidance is also available for services such as landscape gardening, AC installation, pool maintenance and interior design services. We have a property management section who will attend to all your requirements should you wish to rent your property or have the villa managed in a professional manner. Please ask Cenap for further details.

A foreigner coming to N. Cyprus to live and/or work must apply for the following permits; firstly, a temporary visitors permit from Lefkosa, which involves the completion of a form and the supply of three or four passport size photographs. A full permanent resident’s permit is not usually issued until the recipient has been in residence in the TRNC for five years.

If you wish to operate a business in TRNC, the following procedure must be adhered to: If you are to form a limited company, then you instruct an accountant to make the necessary applications on your behalf to the Council of Ministers, outlining the trading intentions of the company, share capital, directors etc. The foreign ownership can be up to 49%, with the main share holder(s) being of TRNC citizenship owning at least 51%. A full foreign limited company may also be formed though this is at a higher cost and can take longer. A further application has to be made to the Immigration Department for an annually renewable business or employment permit, which is given once the Council of Ministers has given their approval. You must also have a medical examination for clearance of TB and HIV. Finally, you register yourself and your company with Social Security for health insurance payments, the tax authorities, and the provident fund. Once all this has been done, you may commence trading.

For retired persons, the residents permit is all that is required. Retired persons may bring into the country a full household of furniture. These are virtually tax free - a nominal 2 - 3% tax is levied.

All foreigners should carefully examine the importation of vehicles from overseas, as cars are valued (Glass's Guide) and import tax is levied on the basis of the value, engine capacity and age. In most cases, the tax assessment is high. Second-hand vehicles are in abundance, but prices for reliable cars rarely drop below £2000 sterling, no matter the condition. Car road tax is approximately £40 annually (more for larger cars/jeeps etc.), and third party insurance in the £30 region. Most applications for licences, visas, permits etc., do require an inordinate amount of patience. Finally, there are opportunities to enter into long-term loose or joint venture projects with an organisation here that owns many seashore and inland tracts of land and properties. Any interested companies or individuals who are looking for investment opportunities in the tourism sector, for hotels, holiday villages, villa or apartment projects in superb locations may consider this option.